Labor of Love House Project With Hammer Clip Art

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Canadian drifter pleads guilty to unprovoked hammer attack on New York Metropolis tourist

Douglas Epp admitted Tuesday to taking a claw hammer to a stranger's head in a baroque park-demote attack, resolving a case complicated by an identity twist

NEW YORK — A Canadian drifter admitted Tuesday to taking a claw hammer to a stranger's head in a bizarre park-demote assault, resolving a case complicated by an identity twist.

Douglas Epp pleaded guilty to attempted murder in the July 2012 episode, which left a Spanish tourist with a spinal fracture. Epp was promised a 14-year prison term; his sentencing was set for Oct. 29.

Visiting from Barcelona, Spain, Hugo Alejandre was eating luncheon with his girlfriend in a park surrounding New York'south City Hall when a business organisation-suit-clad man sitting next to them pulled out a hammer and started clobbering  Alejandre with it, the Manhattan district attorney'due south office said. Bystanders ultimately grabbed the tool.

Epp was arrested nearby, and police said they collected the bloody hammer and a 5-inch-long steak knife from his jacket.

Prosecutors described information technology as an unprovoked, entirely random burst of brutality toward a full stranger.

Epp, notwithstanding, told investigators he "lost it" after he believed he overheard Alejandre and his girlfriend making derogatory remarks virtually him.

"This is not my demeanour, and I am ashamed this atmospherics occurred," he told investigators when he was arrested, according to court papers.

While the case appeared straightforward at first, authorities presently realized they didn't actually know who allegedly did it.

Epp initially gave them a phoney proper name — ane that really belonged to a old acquaintance, an American who was working in finance in Vancouver and is known in Canadian chess circles.

The chess histrion, John Yoos, saw news reports and recognized the tall, bald man in the news photos as Epp, whom he'd known casually in Winnipeg and Vancouver but hadn't seen in about a decade.

Yoos called authorities, and prosecutors before long concluded Epp was using an allonym. He'd given not but Yoos' name but his birth date.

Epp also agreed Tuesday to plead guilty to a misdemeanour identity theft charge for posing as Yoos.

A estimate ordered a psychiatric evaluation of Epp this June, court records testify.

Epp has been in New York since virtually 2010, his lawyer has said. He told investigators he was looking for a job on the day of the set on.

Politely answering a judge's questions, Epp didn't expound Tuesday on the hammer episode or his identity manoeuvre. His lawyer, Alyssa Gamliel, declined to comment.

The Associated Press


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